.. _running-scenario: Running the scenario --------------------------- The Execution Scenario is agnostic to the system where jobs will be executed. See the :ref:`submit-command-examples` section for some examples of submission commands for different systems. Then, you can use the `optilog-running` command to perform operations on the scenario. Here are some examples: :: # Submit all jobs $ optilog-running path/to/scenario submit # Submit all instances (overwrite previous logs) $ optilog-running path/to/scenario submit --overwrite # Delete execution logs $ optilog-running path/to/scenario clean # List all tasks. This will print the task's instance path. $ optilog-running path/to/scenario list tasks # List all solvers. This will print the solver's names. $ optilog-running path/to/scenario list solvers # List all seeds. This will print the seed's values. $ optilog-running path/to/scenario list seeds # Submit a specific job, overwrite the logs and use a different seed $ optilog-running path/to/scenario submit --overwrite --tasks test1.txt --seeds 64 # Submit a specific job, overwrite the logs and use multiple seeds $ optilog-running path/to/scenario submit --overwrite --tasks test1.txt --seeds 64,82 # Submit multiple tasks, overwrite the logs and use multiple seeds $ optilog-running path/to/scenario submit --overwrite --tasks test1.txt,test2.txt --seeds 64,82 # Submit multiple solvers, overwrite the logs $ optilog-running path/to/scenario submit --overwrite --solvers glucose41,cadical # Execute locally like it would submit: $ optilog-running path/to/scenario execute test1.txt 64 glucose41 When the tasks have finished running, you can proceed to parse and analyze the results. Please refer to the :ref:`running_parsing-scenario` section to proceed.